Sunday 27 November 2011


"Kehidupan sosial semakin jelas di mata kita, batas pergaulan semakin tidak dijaga .. Nauzubillah"


Istilah couple begitu sinonim dengan kehidupan kita sehari-hari .. Couple itu diibaratkan seperti menjamah nasi, umpamanya aktiviti makan nasi itu begitu sebati dengan kehidupan kita .. Jika couple sudah diumpamakan sebegitu rupa, jelaslah bahawa isu ini sememangnya serius .. !!

Couple atau berpasangan dalam Bahasa Melayu nya, seringkali dikaitkan dengan para remaja .. terutamanya remaja sekolah menengah .. sekolah rendah sekarang pun, apa kurangnya .. bagaikan ingin bersaing dengan abang-abang dan kakak-kakaknya yang bercouple ..

Jika ditanya seorang pelajar sekolah menengah, " Adakah anda bercouple ..??" ..

Jawapan yang kita dapat, bagi yang malu mungkin jawapannya tidak .. walau pada hakikat dia sememangnya sedang 'bercinta' .. Ada sesetengah remaja begitu BERANI mengiakan soalan ini, " YA! Saya memang sedang bercinta .. !!"

Batas pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan sekarang ibarat dibuka hijabnya .. Hijabnya dulu, begitu dijaga, ditutup, dipelihara .. namun sekarang, ibu bapa sendiri 'agaknya lah' bersetuju dengan tindakan anaknya yang bercouple ..

Dan jika ditanya lagi remaja yang bercouple itu, " Kenapakah anda bercouple ..??"
Berikut jawapan normal yang keluar dari dua bibir remaja :

Sebab dialah result exam saya meningkat
Pasangan saya sentiasa buat saya rajin pergi sekolah
Dia buat saya sentiasa study lewat malam
Wah, wah, wah .. cantik betul jawapan .. dapat A kemungkinan resultnya .. Pernahkah remaja ini berfikir akan akibat di sebalik perbuatan mereka yang tak begitu cerdik ini?

Jika diambil dari segi agama, jelas-jelasnya Islam melarang perbuatan HARAM .. namun, kurang orang especially remaja mengambil hal agama, jadi tidak begitu terdetik di hati mereka ..

Ok, kita ambil dari segi materialistik .. jika para remaja ini menggunakan handphone , sudah pasti mereka akan bermesej tiap-tiap malam .. hmm, mungkin itu sebabnya mereka study sampai lewat malam .. well, study sambil mesej, mungkin study group guna handphone .. namun demikian, pasti nilai kredit akan dihabiskan dengan cepat, jadi mulalah nak beli topup, topup, topup.. tengok handphone mak ayah, tak ada la topup banyak kali, agaknya mereka lagi kaya daripada ibu bapa mereka ..
Perasan tak wahai remaja semua? Anda telah membazirkan wang begitu banyak .. Ingat! Membazir itu amalan syaitan, dan syaitan itu merupakan musuh kita yang nyata ..

Remaja kita sekarang begitu lalai dengan kehidupan dunia yang tidak kekal ini, kadang-kadang saya sendiri pun terjebak .. boleh dikatakan selalu saya terlibat dengan kehidupan yang serba mudah ini, lihatlah sendiri dengan kewujudan Facebook, Twitter dan pelbagai lagi laman sesawang sosial .. begitu mudah terjatuh ke dalam lubang kelalaian .. sama-sama kita nasihat sahabat kita, di samping menasihati diri sendiri .. Ingat! Couple itu HARAM!! Jangan sesekali terlibat dengan couple di usia remaja .. Couple itu merugikan ..

Ini tidak patut!! Tak layak bagi kita sebelum nikah berpegangan tangan dengan jantina selain kita(ajnabi) ..

Saturday 26 November 2011

LET'S ENJOY....!!!!

Perfect Two - Auburn

you can the peanut butter to my jelly
you can be the butterflies i feel in my belly
you can can be the captain

i can be your first mate
you can be the chills that i feel on our first date
you can be the hero
i can be your side kick

you can be the tear
that i cry if we ever split
you can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin
or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

b sec
don't know if i could ever be
w/out u cause boy u complete me
and in time i know that we'll both see

that we're all we need
cause you're the apple to my pie
you're th straw to my berry
you're the smoke to my high

and you're the one i wanna marry
cause you're the one for me (for me )
and i'm the one for you (for u)

u take th both of (of us)
and we're the perfect two
we're the perfect two
we're the perfect two

baby me and you
we're the perfect two
you can be the prince and i can be your princess

you can be the sweet tooth i can be the dentist
you can be the shoes and i can be the laces
you can be the heart that i spill on the pages
you can be the vodka and i can be the chaser

you can be the pencil and i can be the paper
you can be as cold as the winter weather
but i don't care as long as were together
b sec

don't know if i could ever be
w/out u cause boy u complete me
and in time i know that we'll both see
that we're all we need

cause your the apple to my pie
you're the straw to my berry
you're the smoke to my high
and you're the one i wanna marry

cause your the one for me (for me)
and i'm the one for you (for u)
u take th both of us (of us)

and we're the perfect two
we're the perfect two
we're the perfect two
baby me and you

we're the perfect two
you know that i'll never doubt ya
and you know that i think about ya

and you know i can't live without ya
i love the way that u smile
and maybe in just a while
i can see me walk down the aisle

cause your the apple to my pie
you're the straw to my berry
you're the smoke to my high

and you're the one i wanna marry
cause your the one for me (for me)
and i'm the one for you (for u)

u take the both of us of us (of us)
and were the perfect two
were the perfect two
were the perfect two

baby me and you
we're the perfect two(yeah, yeah)

Friday 25 November 2011

i wanna be mrs robert pattinson..huhuuuu...

robert thomas pattinson
about three things i was absolutely positive...

First-robert was a vampire.Second-there was a part of him(i don't know how dominant that part maybe) that thirsted for my blood.and the third-i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him..goshh,he freakin me out.i love you rob <3

Posted by mrs edward..hahhahaxxxx...!!!


the best song,right???

Greyson Chance - Waiting Outside The Lines

Thursday 24 November 2011

lallalalalalal..hang out...!!!!

The Adventures of Tintin...bez gler citer nie..gelak sowang..hahahxxx..!!!

Tintin and Captain Haddock set off on a treasure hunt for a sunken ship commanded by Haddock's ancestor. But someone else is in search of the ship.

Director: Steven Spielberg
Writers: Steven Moffat (screenplay), Edgar Wright (screenplay), and 2 more credits ยป
Stars: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and Daniel Craig tired laaa!!!!


hahhaha...haa...dah lme x updated blog nie an..asyik dok mcuk pic jew...!!!hahahha...bse laa 2... ase penat sgt2 ary nie sbk dok asyik wt NOTA SEJARAH laaa...yg CIKGU MAIZANI soh wat...!!!alamak...bnyk gler tau dok..nk mmpos ase nyer..!!!huhuhuuuuuuhhhhh...dah laa kne ciap kan sume bab tau..!!!hahah...spew nk tlg tika..????pliazzzzz....tlg urut tengkok tika...lengoh ar..!!!

hum..kt cni jew laa coretan tika tok mlm nie...tika nk smbung semula keje tika...!!!

Monday 21 November 2011


sudah2 lah 2...jangan bersedih tau..!!!!ahhahaxxx...


Are you still playing your flute

Latiff Mohidin's In The Midst Of Hardship


the fruitcake special...

the best novel!!!!hahhhaaxx...


hahahxxx...ilmu yang sangat berguna..x sangka leh jmpew page nie kt you,kte kne laa mnfaatkan dye...x yah ar nk beli buku rujukan an..???

Sunday 20 November 2011

wonderful time with my beloved ADEX...!!!!

that is my adex..!!!hahahha..i love her very much..!!!muuahhxxx...

Full of exciting journey , 1st time facing the 'pacats' on my legs . It's awesome :)

hahhahahhaa....this is my first time naik bot..!!!!

nie kawan aq..hazizie..owg pngil dye COMOT..lallalallaa...bgi makan RUSA ,lapar er...waaa...penyayang nyer dye...nmpk cam mesra jup...

hahahhaa..nie dye USTAD kesayangan ku..USTAD AMRAN NOR LAAAA....comel ann dye nie...
taken at DEERLAND..!!!

waaa...cmel x ..????hahhaha...I'm the princess..lalallalal...taken at R&R GAMBANG...

our memberz..that join the trips..!!!hahahhaha...sume nyer happy and excited nk mcuk kt dalam..nie bru jup kt luar..lom mcuk agy...jom kite mengembara sme2...hahahhahaaxxx...the happy moments..!!!!

the wonderful time...with my frendz..hahahhaha..

lalallalaaa..nice pic right..????hahhaha...

memang wonderful and meaningles for me...!!!THANKZ YOU USTAD AMRAN COZ BRING US TO THAT excited...i'm very happy that u so much FRENDZ...and USTAD AMRAN...


akhirnya...sampai gak setelah mengembara di dalam hutan...yuhuhu...x pnh pon try aktiviti cam nie...akhirnya..dpt jugak aq merasai keindahan flora dan fauna...!!!kite kne posing luuu kt sume tmpt yg cantex an..????


alamak...time nie bpok gler tkut nyer..ase cam nk jerit jew kuat2..hahhaaxxx...mmg gayat ar..tpi papew pon mmg bez sgt2..sampai x terkata x pnh pon try aktiviti nie sblm nie..nie laa first time..!!!!huhuu...seronok gler...

Friday 18 November 2011

TAMAN NEGARA...bez sgt...!!!

allalalalalaa...simply gurlz..!!!

hahhaha...pic nie edrina yg edit..,,,!!!comel ann hasil keje dye..cyung awk..muuuahhhxx..!!!

sweet memory in kota gelanggi...!!!

hhahahha...jom naek bas..kite dah nak gerak nie....g gua senyum..but,something must i do...snapping allah memberi rahmat pada cye..!!!